Why Uninsured/Undersinsured Motorist Coverage?
Unfortunately there are many drivers on the roads carrying either no insurance(in violation of financial responsibility laws) or having state minimum coverages (which are inadequate in many cases). If you are injured by one of these irresponsible drivers, uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage will provide you with coverage for your injuries.
You can purchase this coverage up to the liability limits on your policy, and we certainly urge you to do so.
You can also elect to "stack" this coverage. Stacking provides coverage times the number of motorcycles you own and insure. For example, if you have stacked limits of $100,000/$300,000 with 2 motorcycles, your coverage is increased to $200,000/$600,000.
Since most motorcyclists somehow magically turn "invisible" to other vehicles, this coverage is even more important for bikers than for autos.
Don't sacrifice coverage to save a few dollars without even considering it! Email me at andy@rafraser.com for more info or see http://www.rafraser.com/recreational.php for a FREE QUOTE.
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